The Dean
- Role
The Dean, as chief academic, fiscal, and administrative officer of the College, is responsible for the budget and providing academic leadership for the College. The Dean is appointed by the Board of Trustees and is responsible to and serves at the discretion of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs for the administration of University policy within the College.
The Dean shall be responsive to the needs of the students, faculty and staff of the College and represent their interests to the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.
- If at any time the position of the Dean becomes vacant, the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, after consulting with the administrative staff and faculty of the College, shall appoint as Interim Dean a tenured Associate or Full Professor from within the College. The Interim Dean will assume all of the duties of the Dean until a new Dean is selected and appointed. The process to select a permanent Dean, as described below, will commence as quickly as possible.
- Selection and Appointment
Minimum Qualifications of Dean of the College: Earned doctorate in an academic discipline represented in the College, with academic credentials commensurate with appointment at the rank of professor with tenure at SIU Carbondale.
When a vacancy in the Deanship occurs, a search/screening committee will be established by the Provost and Vice Chancellor in keeping with University hiring policy and procedures. The committee representation from the College shall be composed of one non-administrative tenured Faculty member from each of the College's Schools, one representative from NTT faculty and one student, one representative from Civil Service, one representative from the Administrative/Professional Staff and one School Director. The Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs shall appoint non-college members to the committee. The Provost shall appoint the search committee chair.
The Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs will be responsible for assuring that the University Affirmative Action and University hiring policy and procedures are followed.
The Provost provides the charge to the committee, including its responsibilities. The search/screening committee shall then submit its assessment of the candidates, in keeping with the charge provided by the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, and represent the interests of the College throughout the selection and appointment process until the new Dean's appointment is ratified by the Board of Trustees.
- Evaluation/Review
To ensure that the Dean retains the confidence of the College, the Dean's performance shall be evaluated/reviewed following the process outlined in The Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University and the SIUC Faculty Association, IEA/NEA.
The evaluation will be forwarded to the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. The Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and the review committee charged by the Provost will then provide a summary report to the faculty and other College personnel.
- Responsibilities
The Dean is responsible for promoting and maintaining the highest quality of teaching, research, creative activity, service, and other aspects of the academic mission of the College.
The Dean is responsible for calling meetings of the faculty as specified in Section VI.B.I of this operating paper.
The Dean or an Associate Dean will preside as chair at all meetings of the administrative staff.
The Dean shall designate an Associate Dean to assume administrative responsibilities during the Dean's absence.