CHHS Operating Paper - Committees | Health and Human Sciences

Southern Illinois University




  1. Standing Committees
    1. Number

      The College will have eight standing committees. Committees shall consist of appointed faculty and shall elect their own chair. The Dean or an Associate Dean serves ex-officio on every committee.

    2. Composition and Procedures

      1. Each School shall select one faculty representative to each standing committee with the following exception:
        The Tenure and Promotion Committee shall consist of one Faculty member elected from each School.

      2. Each committee shall develop and submit to the Dean Operating Procedures that includes structure, length of service, and tasks. Committee procedures must be consistent with the College Operating Paper and be published publicly on the College website.

      3. Review and any subsequent revisions to committee operating procedures should occur annually at the first committee meeting of the academic school year. College faculty shall be notified of any revisions.

      4. Committee members are responsible for reporting committee activities to their School faculty (e.g., faculty meeting report, email distribution).

      5. An annual report shall be submitted to the Dean at the end of the Spring semester.
      6. Clerical support will be provided, as may be possible, through the Dean’s office for those committees requesting such support.

      7. All committees shall keep meeting minutes. Minutes shall be reported to the Dean and be made available to the faculty.

    3. Name and Purpose
      The purpose of these committees shall be as follows:
      1. Faculty Advisory Committee
        The purpose of the Faculty Advisory Committee is to review, evaluate, and recommend policies and represent faculty in regard to academic, administrative, fiscal, and other appropriate College matters including revisions to the College Operating Paper. Committee members will act as the liaison between the Dean and the faculty and will report at School meetings.

      2. Curriculum Committee
        The purpose of the Curriculum Committee is to review proposed curricular changes for courses and programs within the College and make recommendations to the Dean. Curriculum committee School representatives provide their respective School advice and information regarding changes to existing curriculum.

      3. Research Committee
        The purpose of the Research Committee is to support faculty research by coordinating College programs, which may include: Summer Research Program, Scholar/Researcher of the Year Award, Research Paper/Creative Activity of the Year award and research presentation events.

      4. Honors Day Committee
        The purpose of the Honors Day Committee is to plan and coordinate the College’s Honors Day program in conjunction with the annual University Honors Day program.

      5. Scholarship Committee
        The purpose of the Scholarship Committee is to inform students of the availability of college level scholarships, select recipients, and coordinate the allocation of those scholarship funds designated by the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.

      6. Student Academic Grievance and Dishonesty Committee
        The purpose of the Student Academic Grievance and Dishonesty Committee is to be responsible for handling student academic grievances and matters related to dishonesty.

      7. Teaching Excellence Award Committee
        The purpose of the Teaching Excellence Award Committee is to be responsible for coordinating activities required to choose the College’s Tenure/Tenure-Track Teaching Excellence Award recipient and the College’s Non-Tenure Track Teaching Excellence Award recipient and forwarding the College’s nominations for the respective university-wide Teaching Excellence Awards to the Chancellor’s Office.
        Teaching outcomes shall be weighed in regard to equity with comparable teaching loads (e.g., number of courses, number of students, credit hours covered, complexity, level of material and indirect teaching).  The operating paper for the Teaching Excellence Award Committee will detail the selection criteria for the Teaching Excellence Award.

      8. Tenure and Promotion Committee
        The purpose of the Tenure and Promotion Committee is to review and make written recommendations on the dossiers of those Faculty who are required or requested to be reviewed for tenure and/or who seek promotion.

  2. Ad-Hoc Committees
    1. Other committees may be established by the Dean for a specified period of time to carry out designated assignments.
    2. These committees will serve at the discretion of the Dean.
    3. Ad-hoc committees shall keep minutes as needed which will be submitted to the Dean and shall be available to the faculty.