Research Committee Proposal Guidelines
Check with the Associate Dean regarding the availability of funds.
The College supports the research efforts of our faculty in many ways. One of these is by providing the opportunity to apply for small, one-year grants. These internal grants are limited to a maximum of $1000. In many cases, this is sufficient for small exploratory studies, surveys, or questionnaires.
We encourage you to apply. The process is similar to that of applying for larger federal and state grants (i.e., we require a budget, rationale, and other routine items), but the process is far less complex and demanding. If you are new to grant writing, this may be a good place to start.
CHHS Research Proposal Guidelines and Forms
The HHS Research Committee is a standing committee with members representing each of the College's departments. These are the people that will be reviewing your proposal. You are encouraged to speak with any one of them with questions you may have about the grant writing and submission process. You may obtain a list of the current committee members by contacting the dean’s office.