VTI-CHHS Reunion
On Saturday, April 14, 2018, the SIUC College of Health and Human Sciences Dean's Office will host a reunion event for alumni and all current and former students, faculty, and staff of the College.
We started out in 1950 as the Vocational Technology Institute, and then became known as the School of Technical Careers, the College of Technical Careers, the College of Applied Sciences and Arts, and finally the College of Health and Human Sciences.
Read Dean Wang's full invitation.
When and Where
Please mark your calendar for 5 PM on April 14th and join us at the Garden Grove Event Center, 1215 E. Walnut St., Carbondale (behind the University Mall).
Hors-d'oeuvres and cocktails will begin at 5 o'clock, followed by a presentation of the College's history at 6.
Memorabilia and Photos
We will have plenty of memorabilia and photos on display to commemorate our many years of success, so please join us if you can enjoy a fun evening of looking back at what we have accomplished. As we prepare for the SIUC campus reorganization and the new look of campus schools, let us engage our vital stakeholders, alumni and retirees, and seek their continued support.
Take a look at memorabilia online
RSVP by March 30th
RSVP via telephone: 618-536-6682
or fill out this form: